Beech Class Home Learning Grid 18.05.2020

Date: 17th May 2020 @ 7:58pm

Hello Beech Class

I hope that you had a lovely weekend and managed to get out and get some fresh air whilst having fun in the process!

I have attached this week's home learning grid of activities. There are also activities on Bug Club, Education City and Purple Mash for you to access also.


Today we are up to chapter 5 of Fantastic Mr Fox. I would like you to read it along with an adult and consider these questions:

  • Why does Bean struggle to hear the other farmers?
  • Which phrase on page 21 tells you that Bunce doesn't think that Bean's idea is working?
  • On page 22 what does the author tell us about how strong the machines are?
  • How did the foxes know that the tractors were getting closer?

Can you think of some questions that you would like to ask Mr Fox at this point in the story? Try and think of at least 3. Challenge yourself to think of more! You could even have a question and answer session with an adult at home where you pretend to be Mr Fox and think about what his responses might be to your questions. 

Enjoy :)

Mrs Crook

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