Maple Class Home Learning 4.6.2020

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 7:33am

Hello everybody!

Isn't the weather rubbish! I hope you are all finding plenty to keep busy with indoors. 
Today's writing task
This week we've been looking at lots of different jobs. Today, I want you to think about your dream job or a job that you think you might like to do when you are older. I'd like you to imagine that you are applying for that job in the future - write to the employer. Remember to include in your letter:
  • Why you would like to do that job
  • Why you would be good at that job
You could start your letter like this:
Dear Sir/Madam, 
I would like to apply to be a ____________________ at your company/hospital/school. I would like to do this job because .........
You could even do some research into the skills and qualifications that you would need to do that job before you write your letter.
Have a good day everyone, 
Mrs H x

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