Beech Class Home Learning 05.06.2020

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 9:03am

Hello Beech Class!

As we come to the end of the week, we also come to the end of our book 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. I really hope that you have enjoyed reading the story as much as I have. It's just a shame that we never got the read it altogether as  a class in school as we would do normally. 


Your final task is to read chapters 16, 17 and 18 with an adult athome and consider these questions:

  • Why did the other animals start the feats without Mr Fox and Badger?
  • How does the feast help you to understand how popular Mr Fox is?
  • Why is sharing with friends important?
  • Why did the farmers continue to sit in the rain?
  • Was this story trying to persuade you that hunting (killing animals) is a cruel thing to do? How do you know?

Finally, I would like you to think of someone who is a good friend to you. You may draw a picture of them and then think about if you couldn't see them for a while (that might be true of this exact moment). What would you miss about that person and why?

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs Crook

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