Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage at Westfield Primary School
EYFS Lead - Miss N Wright
EYFS Link Governors - Mrs D Foster and Mrs L Jones
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the statutory framework for early years education in England which provides the learning and care of children from birth to five.
In Reception at Westfield, we deliver our EYFS Curriculum using the 2021 Revised EYFS Statutory Framework, using the updated Development Matters. Our staff are experienced and highly knowledgeable about Early Years pedagogy and early child development and aim to provide the best possible start to all of the children's journey at Westfield Primary School.
The EYFS Team at Westfield are passionate about the importance of play based learning for our children. We understand that children learn best when they are absorbed, interested and active. We are proud that our EYFS has an underlying ethos of 'Learning through Play.' Play is essential for our children's development across all areas of the curriculum. Play builds on our children's confidence as they learn to explore, apply their learning, relate to others around them, develop relationships, set their own goals and solve problems.
The children at Westfield will have an abundance of opportunities to learn through play. Our EYFS Team ensure that learning is fun, engaging and will challenge and support all children, whatever their starting points, in order to achieve.
Our children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in play which is scaffolded by our highly skilled EYFS practitioners. We pride ourselves in providing well-organised and stimulating learning environments, with carefully designed areas of continuous provision which encourage our children to flourish.
We nurture children's independence in Early Years through support and encouragement. We believe that children begin their journey as independent thinkers in EYFS and this sets a model for moving throughout the school.
EYFS at Westfield is a child-centred provision. This means that we get to know every child as a unique individual and tailor our curriculum and approach to each child based on their needs. We nurture and celebrate each others differences and what makes us unique.
Children come to school with a natural curiosity and questions about the world. This is encourages and forms the basis for what the children will go on to learn.

EYFS Curriculum Implementation
There are 7 Areas of Learning within the EYFS Curriculum. There are 3 prime areas of learning and 4 specific areas of learning:
Prime Areas of Learning:
*Communication and Language Development: listening, attention and understanding and speaking, with opportunities for children to experience a language rich environment; develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves; speaking and listening in a range of situations.
*Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Manage feelings and emotions; develop a positive sense of self; build and establish positive relationships; learn about 'right' and 'wrong' and develop independence and self-care.
*Physical Development: Opportunities to be active and interactive; develop their co-ordination and spatial awareness; develop fine motor skills (small movements) and gross motor skills (large scale muscle movements).
Specific Areas of Learning:
*Literacy: Develop early reading and writing skills; talking about books; print in the environment; early mark making and writing; sharing books and reading. At Westfield, we use Read Write Inc. to teach early reading and children learn to write using the Pathways to Write programme which is used throughout school. High quality texts are used to promote a love of books and reading for pleasure.
*Mathematics: Develop a mathematical understanding and vocabulary of numbers, shape, pattern and measurement. The children learn about number and numerical patterns through play-based learning. At Westfield, we use Mastering Number and Maths No Problem to equip our children with a deep understanding of Number.
*Knowledge and Understanding of the World: Develop and promote an understanding of the world in which we live. The foundations for scientific, technological, geographical and historical learning.
*Expressive Arts and Design: Develop imagination, enabling children to communicate through art, music, dance and role-play.
Outdoor Provision
At Westfield we understand and appreciate the importance of the outdoor environment for our children. It is a continuation of our indoor provision, and it is used at every opportunity. We provide our children with opportunities to develop their gross and fine motor skills, to deepen their imaginations and also their sense of curiosity. Playing outdoors allows children to develop self-confidence, independence and self-esteem. They become aware of limits, boundaries and challenge in their play. Please ensure that the children are suitably dressed for all weathers.
Reception have a PE session each week with a PE coach who provides the children, with opportunities to develop and apply their physical development skills in a variety of ways. Please ensure that the children come to school suitably dressed for PE on that day and that all of their items of clothing are labelled with the children's names.