Art and Design

Art and Design Subject Leader  Mrs Davies 
Creative Link Governor  Miss L Jones 


ART AND DESIGN at Westfield Primary School


At Westfield Primary School we aim to inspire pupils and develop their confidence to experiment and invent their own works of art. Alongside this, we want to give our pupils every opportunity to develop their ability, nurture their talents and interests, express their ideas and thoughts about the world, as well as learning about the rich heritage and culture of Britain.



Our children are encouraged to learn how to make their own creative choices and decisions.


The children’s art outcomes are unique to the pupil and personal. 


Our children are free to ask questions and take risks, be experimental and exploratory. 

Implementation  In EYFS children are given regular opportunities to engage in activities which support their imagination and crativity. Through continuous provision, the pupils can explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. In Reception we wish for children to respond to their senses, building their vocabulary and knowledge through carefully planned provision and enhancements. 

At Westfield we use the KAPOW Art Scheme where four strands run throughout our teaching and learning. These strands are revisited.

  • Making skills
  • Formal elements (line, shape, tone, texture, pattern, colour)
  • Knowledge of artists
  • Evaluating

In the skills and formal elements of art, pupils are given the opportunity to learn and practise skills discretely. The knowledge and skills are then applied throughout other units. Key skills are revisited again and again with increasing complexity. This allows the pupils to revise and build on their previous learning.

We have a curriculum overview, which shows our coverage of the National Curriculum Targets. Art and Design units are taught each half term on a 2 year rolling programme to ensure complete coverage for our mixed aged classes.

The curriculum is design to develop pupil’s knowledge and understanding of key artists and art movements, linking artists to practical work.

Lessons are practical in nature and encourage experimental and exploratory learning with all pupils using a sketchbook to document their ideas.

Differentiated lessons ensure that they can be accessed by all pupils including children with SEND. Opportunities are given to stretch pupils’’ learning are given. Pupils are given a foundation of factual knowledge by recall of key facts and vocabulary. 


The pupil’s are involved in the evaluation, dialogue and decision-making about the quality of their outcomes and the improvements they need to make. They are encouraged to talk about their own learning journey. The impact is monitored through both formative and summative assessments opportunities. Each lesson the children are assessed against the learning objectives.

Our aim is that our children will leave Westfield Primary School with a range of techniques and the confidence and creativity to form a strong foundation for their Art and Design beyond KS2.

The expected impact is that children will:

  • Produce creative work, exploring and recording their ideas and experiences
  • Be proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using subject-specific language.
  • Know about great artists and the historical and cultural development of their art.

Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National Curriculum for Art and Design.  



Our school is currently working towards the ARTSMARK award as we are keen develop and celebrate our commitment to arts and cultural education for all children and young people.


Halton Primary Arts Network 2021 and 2022 

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Rope Walk Visit 2022 

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