School Information

The school day start at 8.50am for all pupils and ends at 3.20pm.

School gates will open at 8:40am, registers are taken at 8.55am.

At the end of the day, please wait around the edge of the playgrounds to collect your child/ren. Staff will be around the school grounds to support and guide families.

Uniform and PE

Children will be required to wear full school uniform each day. PE kits to be worn on PE days. Class teachers will inform you which day this is on their newsletter. Information can also be found on your child's class page. 

At Westfield Primary we are very proud of our children and firmly believe in the value of school uniform promoting a sense of belonging to our school.  We ask for your co-operation in maintaining the school’s high standards of appearance.  From September 2022 the school uniform is as follows:

At Westfield Primary we are very proud of our children and firmly believe in the value of school uniform promoting a sense of belonging to our school.  We ask for your co-operation in maintaining the school’s high standards of appearance.  The school uniform from September 2022 is as follows:


School Uniform

Royal blue V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan

White Shirt (long or short sleeved)

School tie

Light grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore

Grey socks

Optional Summer Dress – Blue gingham with white socks

Black shoes/School Boots (not trainers)

Blue hair bobble/scrunchie or headband.  No decorative headbands or bows.

PE Kit

For indoor activities:

Pumps (trainers are not suitable for indoor use)

Black sports shorts/skirt

Plain white T-shirt

For outdoor activities:


Black tracksuit

Black sweatshirt and jogging bottoms


Football kits are not suitable for either indoor or outdoor PE lessons.  


For safety reasons, the only jewellery allowed is stud earrings and watches.  Smart watches are not to be worn.  Make-up and nail varnish should not be worn in school.

All new pupils will be given a tie on their first day.  The ties have been purchased by the school and PTA.  Additional ties can be purchased from school at a cost of £4.00 for a tie on elastic and £5.00 for a tie on a clip.


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School Uniform

Royal blue V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan

White Shirt (long or short sleeved)

School tie

Light grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore

Grey socks

Optional Summer Dress – Blue gingham with white socks

Black shoes/School Boots (not trainers)

Blue hair bobble/scrunchie or headband.

No decorative headbands or bows.

PE Kit

For indoor activities:

Pumps (trainers are not suitable for indoor use)

Black sports shorts/skirt

Plain white T-shirt

For outdoor activities:


Black tracksuit

Black sweatshirt and jogging bottoms

Football kits are not suitable for either indoor or outdoor PE lessons.

For safety reasons, the only jewellery allowed is stud earrings and watches. Smart watches are not to be worn. Make-up and nail varnish should not be worn in school.

School Uniform

Royal blue V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan

White Shirt (long or short sleeved)

School tie

Light grey trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore

Grey socks

Optional Summer Dress – Blue gingham with white socks

Black shoes/School Boots (not trainers)

PE Kit

For indoor activities:

Pumps (trainers are not suitable for indoor use)

Black sports shorts/skirt

Plain white T-shirt

For outdoor activities:


Black tracksuit

Black sweatshirt and jogging bottoms

Football kits are not suitable for either indoor or outdoor PE lessons.  

For safety reasons, the only jewellery allowed is stud earrings and watches.  Make-up and nail varnish should not be worn in school.   

Blue hair bobble/scrunchie or headband.  No decorative headbands or bows.

Other items needed each day

  • Lunch bag

  • Reading book and reading record

  • Snack (under 100 calories)

  • Water bottle

No other items are needed. I do encourage children to share their achievements from outside school so please speak to the class teacher if your child wishes to show an award to the class.

School office

Please ring school or make an appointment to speak to a member of staff. 

If you have any questions or can think of anything I have not mentioned then please email me.

Other information 

School Grid to order school meals

ParentPay - school cashless system

Data Protection Office (DPO)

Please find below details of the School’s Data Protection Officer: -

Halton Borough Council.

Service Improvement and Governance

Resources, ICT Services

Halton Borough Council

Municipal Building





Direct line  - 0151 511 7003

The ICO registration number of this  school is  Z6055302

Information Request

If you require paper copies of any information on the school website, please contact Mrs Shepherd in the school office. Tel 01928 572434 or email

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