Beech Class Home Learning 29.04.2020

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 9:26am

Happy Wednesday Beech Class!

I hope that you have been enjoying the work based around the poem 'What is Pink'. You should now have a complete poem! You may want to have a go at today's writing task or complete your poem- it's upto you! If you have been struggling, I suggest that you go back and complete the sessions in the order that I have posted them.

Every Wednesday is a chance for you to choose what you would like to write about! I am going to ask you to be creative and have the freedom to write about whatever you would like to today. That may be a book review of something that you have read, a review of a film that you may have watched, you could write a story of your own, instruction for something that you have made etc your choice!


Mrs Crook

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