Beech Class Home Learning 30.03.2020

Date: 29th Mar 2020 @ 9:25pm

Hello Beech Class!

I hope that you had a lovely weekend. I have been busy painting the garden fence, cutting the grass, washing the windows and watching Disney +.

I have attached this week's home learning grid for you to work your way through this week. Don't forget that these are only suggestions and you may adapt them as you wish. There will still be tasks on Education City, Purple Mash and and Bug Club for you to complete at your leisure. If you would like to explore these sites yourself then feel free as the assigned tasks on there are also only suggestions. I will still be posting writing tasks daily on our Purple Mash class blog also.

If you would like to email me any of your work or would like anymore ideas for activities then just email me

Hope you are all keeping safe and busy! Missing you all.

Mrs Crook

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