Maple Class Home Learning 24.4.20

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:59am

Good morning everybody!

Here is today's writing task:

Today I would like you to write a description of the scene in the image that we have been looking at this week. 

Try to include:

  • The nouns and verbs you put together earlier in the week
  • The improved sentences from yesterday
  • The reason you think the girl ended up in the middle of the ocean in a bath

As well as the following success criteria:

  • A range of punctuation (full stops, capital letters, commas, question and exclamation marks, speech marks)
  • Y4 can you use fronted adverbials to start at least one of your sentences, followed by a comma?
  • A range of expanded noun phrases to describe everything in the scene, using interesting adjectives

This is YOUR description, use your imagination and describe the scene however YOU see it. There is no right or wrong! 

Here's a example of an opening:

As April opened her eyes slowly, she blinked in amazement at what she could see. "How did I get here?" she questioned out loud. In the distance, all she could see was water, water and more water. She was in the middle of the vast sapphire ocean!

Have a good weekend everyone!

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