Oak Class Home Learning 23.03.2020

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 8:21am

Good morning Oak Class!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are remaining positive.

I have updated Education City and Bug Club with relevant learning material.


I can write a diary entry in role as Fred

Write a diary entry in role as Fred from The Explorer. Consider how he is feeling at this point in the story and what he has experience so far. Please remember to paragraph your work. I would create a plan on a separate piece of paper as to how I might structure my writing. You can find free pdf versions of the first chapter of this book online if you wish to refresh your memory.

Here is an extract from the start of the next chapter:

Fred crawled into the den and looked up. The sun was no longer filtered through a thousand ant holes. The light inside was dark green, an underwater, sunken-treasure colour. He felt an unexpected surge of triumph roar through him.

Success Criteria

  • Write in the first person – include description, feelings and opinions
  • Use adverbs and fronted adverbials
  • Use an informal and conversational style (appropriate for Fred who is approx. 12 years old)
  • Use a wide range of cohesive devices – conjunctions, synonyms, punctuation
  • Choose a few different Alan Peat sentence types to include in your writing (I shall post a separate blog with these in)


Work through the pages, starting at a level that you find to be an appropriate challenge (this will be a different point for everyone). Please look at the colour of your text book and complete the work that has been set for you. 

Remember, there are examples of how to do the work at the top of the page in your Target Your Maths book. You can also ask for help on your personal blog (which is a blog between myself and you).

Yellow – p.45

Blue – p.68

Green – p.65

Purple – p.53

Orange – p.100

I will publish the answers for today’s work on tomorrow's blog.

I have also published some activities for you to complete on Education City. These activities are a collection of objectives we have previously looked at.

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