Willow Class Home Learning - Friday 05/06/2020

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 9:30pm

Good morning Willow Class,

Some of the teachers (inlcuding myself) spoke to parents and some children yesterday over the phone and it was lovely to hear what you have been getting up to and how you are doing, so thank you for your time.

For our last day on the Mulberry Bush poem, you have two activities to choose from and can either do one or both:

Write up your poem practising your handwriting. Which letters are tall letters? (l h k t b d) Which letters go beneath the line? (q y p f g j) Which letters sit in the middle of the line? (w e r u i o a d z x c v n m). Decorate your finished poem using images to match your ideas. 

Then, poems are made to be performed so think about sharing your poem with your family or recording it to show to school. How fast will you read it? How loud? Which words to you want to make stand out? Don’t forget to add in the actions.

Have a great day and enjoy your weekend.

Mrs McIlroy x

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