Oak Class Home Learning 03.06.2020

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:07am

Good Morning Oak Class!


Well, there has certainly been a dramatic change to the weather over night! When Isla woke up this morning, she was really excited when she saw the rain (she's just learnt how to say this word). She absolutely loves to wear her wellies - she would probably go to sleep in them if I let her! So today is a good day for her because she gets to pretend that she is Peppa Pig all day and jump in muddy puddles.


I'm back in school full time now, so over the next few days, the Y6 children amongst us will be receiving a telephone call to let them know which bubble they have been placed into (Y5 children you don't need to worry about that as you aren't returning to school just yet). 


The instructions for today's writing task remain the same as they have for every other week.


Every Wednesday, I would like you to write a diary entry about how your week has been. We are currently living through a moment in history that future generations might possibly learn about – how crazy is that! So, today’s task is to write about yourself, how you are feeling, what you have been up to and most importantly, what is keeping you happy whilst you’re not at school.


I hope you all have a fabulous day and if you're anything like Isla, get to enjoy the change in weather!


If you need me, please contact me on our class blog or ask an adult to email me. mrsdavies@westfieldprimaryschool.com


Missing you all.


Mrs Davies

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