Oak Class Home Learning 06.05.2020

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 7:29am

Good morning Oak Class!


It’s sunny again today – woohoo! The sunshine always puts an instant smile on my face. Smiles can be infectious you know. So if you smile today, pass it on to someone else and brighten their day!


Every Wednesday, we have been writing a diary entry. However, I am going to move that task to tomorrow so that we don’t interrupt the flow of our Harry Potter work.


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone


Today’s task is linked to chapter two.

Here is a link to the story – scroll through to find the appropriate chapter.



Write a newspaper report about the talking Boa Constrictor that was seen to be conversing with Harry Potter at the zoo. Report on the events that happened based on what eye witnesses would have seen. Reread the part of the chapter where this happens, so that you can report on the key details. Think about how an eye witness would have been feeling and how they might of reacted - report this as direct speech in your report (as if you interviewed them).


Make sure your report includes the following features:

  • A headline that uses a pun, rhyme or alliteration
  • An introductory paragraph that includes the 5 Ws
  • Written in the third person and past tense
  • Include direct and reported speech
  • A conclusion to explain what might happen next


I hope you all have a fabulous day. Please contact me if you need me.

Remember to check your personal blog on Purple Mash to record your Times Tables Rock Stars login, which we will be launching later this week. Respond to my comment so that I know you have read it.

Missing you more than yesterday,

Mrs Davies x

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