Oak Class Home Learning 07.05.2020

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 7:31am

Good morning Oak Class!


I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday! Tomorrow is VE Day and it’s also a Bank Holiday too! I won’t be posting any work tomorrow. I will still do a blog in case you want to contact me, but consider it a day off.


Today’s task is your weekly diary entry. The instructions for this remain the same.


Every Wednesday, I would like you to write a diary entry about how your week has been. We are currently living through a moment in history that future generations might possibly learn about – how crazy is that! So, today’s task is to write about yourself, how you are feeling, what you have been up to and most importantly, what is keeping you happy whilst you’re not at school.


Times Tables Rock Stars

Later today, you will be getting some more information about Times Tables Rock Stars. It is something new that we have signed up to in school. It’s a great way to practise your times tables. I’ve been having a little play on it and its great fun!

School have signed up to this so that it gives you another alternative learning resource to use during your time at home (should you want to).

I gave you all your login details via your personal blogs. If you do not have this, or cannot find this, please ask an adult to email on mrsdavies@westfieldprimaryschool.com and I can send your details via email.


When things don’t go to plan…

Sometimes, things don’t always go as planned. I woke up in a really good mood yesterday and Isla was a delight all morning whilst I got on with my work. However, after her nap, she was really cranky and very needy and that made everything else really hard. Adults find things tricky at times too you know!

What I’m trying to say is, it’s ok if some days you don’t get all the work done that you had planned. If you wake up and you’re not feeling yourself, do something that makes you happy instead. It’s been a while since we were last in school, so I appreciate how this will be a confusing time for many of you. Please know that I am incredibly proud of you all and you are in my thoughts all the time. Keep safe and keep smiling.


I'va attached some photos of what Isla and I ended up doing to ‘keep the peace’ yesterday. It involved making more cakes (we’ve made a lot during lockdown) and watching Secret Life of Pets three times in a row. She’s obsessed with that film – I know pretty much all of the words to it off by heart now.


Until tomorrow,


Mrs Davies x

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