Willow Class Easter Holidays

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 10:11am

Good morning Willow Class,

I hope that you enjoyed your weekend and are looking forward to some warmer weather!

As we are now in the Easter Holidays, I will not be setting a daily writing task but you are still welcome to email me to ask for any ideas/suggestions for activities and feel free to keep sending me photographs of what you have been up to at home - mrsmcilroy@westfieldprimaryschool.com or you can post on the Purple Mash blogs.

There are still activities on Education City, Active Learn - Bug Club and Purple Mash but these are to complete in your own time, at your own pace, there is no expectation to carry on with these over the Easter break.  I will add some ideas of activities for you though, if you wish to complete them.

  • Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ - this website has uploaded some online learning, linked to a book, if you scroll down on this page, there is a section for parents/carers.
  • Lego Challenge - if you google search '30 day lego challenge', there are challenges for each day using lego/duplo/building blocks.
  • Scavenger Hunt - this is a good idea to use inside and outside, you create a list of items to find and the children collect them (10 leaves, a stick longer than your hand, something heavier than a leaf, etc) (a toy car, something that floats, something that sinks, a book with a dragon in, etc).
  • Mud Kitchen - using some mud, water and any old pots and pans, children can make whole dinners for you out of mud, grass and anything else they find in the garden!
  • Reading - continue to share books, children love to be read to.  If you would like any follow-up learning to a book, the children could draw/write about a character, describe a setting, draw a story map of the book.
  • Baking - bbc.co.uk have some basic recipes for you to follow.

Again, please feel free to email me with any questions or photographs. 

I hope that you are all keeping well and staying safe, we are all missing you and being in school and I look forward to seeing you all again.

Mrs McIlroy : )

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