Willow Class Home Learning - Friday 01/05/2020

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:19am

Good morning and welcome to May! 

This is one of my favourite months as it is my birthday month.  We usually take a visit to the zoo on my birthday so may have to think of a different idea for this year!  Speaking of the zoo, they are continuing with their live videos from inside the zoo today, here is the link to their YouTube channel if you are interested -  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ9UagJLiMdBIFOHYwT7eLA

It is our last day with Zog today and we will focus on Room on the Broom for next week's writing tasks.  For today's writing task, however, Zog's 'super power' is that he is able to fly.  I would like you to think about having your own super power, what would it be and why?  Feel free to also draw me a picture of yourself with your super power.

I have loved reading and seeing all of your writing/pictures about your own hero, your acts of kindness and kind letters to a friend, we have lots of very kind and lovely children in Willow Class and they have really cheered me up.

As always, please let me know if you need any new books on Active Learn Bug Club or would like me to set specific, indivdual tasks on there or on Education City - mrsmcilroy@westfieldprimaryschool.com

Enjoy your day and your weekend,

Mrs McIlroy xx


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