Willow Class Home Learning - Tuesday 21/04/2020

Date: 21st Apr 2020 @ 7:36am

Good morning Willow Class,

I had a lot of emails and photographs yesterday from parents and children, it was lovely to see the activities that some of you have been up to!

For today's writing task we are continuing with The Gruffalo story.  Throughout the story, the mouse talks about the Gruffalo's 'favourite foods' - Owl Ice-Cream, Gruffalo Crumble, Roasted Fox.  Use these foods to make a menu for a Gruffalo themed cafe.  For a challenge, you could also write sentences describing what you cafe would look like, thinking about using adjectives (describing words).  Feel free to send me any photographs of your work or if you create your cafe at home using teddies.

Enjoy your day,

Mrs McIlroy : )

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