Willow Class Home Learning - Wednesday 22/04/2020

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 6:39am


Yesterday, we posted a special video on the school website and on Westfield's Facebook page to show all of you and to remind you to stay safe, keep smiling and thinking positively.  If you have not seen the video yet, here is the YouTube link (see if you can spot any familiar faces):


For your Gruffalo writing task today, I would like you to think about what you would do if you met the Gruffalo.  What would you say? Would you trick the Gruffalo like the mouse did? Start your writing with, 'If I met the Gruffalo...'

It is also World Earth Day today, when we can think about how we can all protect the environment.  Can you think of any activities to do to celebrate this day? Maybe you could make the Earth out of playdough, use paints, colouring pencils, plant some seeds, grow your own vegetables, list the ways that you could help the environment and become more eco-friendly or any other ideas you may have to celebrate our wonderful Earth.  

As always, feel free to send me any photographs to mrsmcilroy@westfieldprimaryschool.com of work or activities that you have been up to, I have also been sent some bike riding videos recently!

Keep smiling, 

Mrs McIlroy : )

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