Return to school

Following both Local Authority and Government guidelines, I am pleased to announce the procedures for reopening the school on Thursday 2nd September.


The emphasis is on four main control measures:

Ensure good hygiene for everyone
Maintain appropriate cleaning regimes
Keep occupied spaces well ventilated
Follow public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19

The following changes will be made in order to allow the school to return to some normality, as well as keeping everyone safe. COVID cases are still high and we need to eliminate a potential outbreak within school. I have been extremely grateful for your cooperation to any changes made in the past.


Arriving/leaving school

The school will no longer run a one-way system and families will be able to use the entrance/exit from Crofton Road freely. I would ask that you still maintain distance and where possible, not gather in groups please.

Hand washing stations will still be in place for families to use before entering school. Hand washing will be part of the school day.


Face masks

Face masks are no longer required however, if staff or parents still desire to wear one, then please respect their wishes. Being vulnerable, some people still need to be protected.

If you use public transport/taxi then face masks are still required.


Staggered start and finish times

School gates will open for all children at 8:40am and close at 8:50am. This ten-minute gap will allow for a free flow start to entering school. Children can go straight into their class and do not need to wait.

At the end of the school day, there will be a small staggering of times to help ease congestion. This is not too different from before Covid times.


3:10pm - Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (Beech and Cherry class)

Beech class to enter and leave from their classroom doors and Cherry class through the KS1 side door.


3:15pm – Year 3 and Year 4 (Maple and Larch class)

Both Maple and Larch class will enter through the KS2 doors from the playground and will be dismissed on the playground.


3:20pm – Year 5 and Year 6 (Birch and Oak class)

Birch class will enter through the bottom right classroom door and Oak class from the bottom left classroom door. Both classes will be dismissed from the playground. 


At the end of the day, please wait around the edge of the playgrounds to collect your child/ren and try to maintain distance from others. Staff will be around the school grounds to support and guide families.


Uniform and PE

Children will be required to wear full school uniform each day. PE kits are to be brought in on a Monday and the children will bring them home on a Friday to be washed. Please refer to the website for uniform details.


School bags

We still need to limit what children bring in from home. The children do not need anything other than the following items:

Lunch bag
Reading book and reading record
Water bottle
PE kit on a Monday
Homework as requested by class teacher
No other items are needed. I do encourage children to share their achievements from outside school so please speak to the class teacher if your child wishes to show an award to the class.


COVID-19 cases

Firstly, I encourage you to read the following document – Coronavirus, how to stay safe and help prevent the spread.


School will have an outbreak management plan for any confirmed case/s of COVID-19. School will no longer be required to send classes home if there is a confirmed case. As before, you will be informed of any cases within school.

Remote learning will be available for any child isolating at home.

We will not be in class bubbles and mixing is now allowed. Thankfully, this means that playtimes, lunchtimes and assemblies can return to normal.

If your child does become unwell in school with coronavirus symptoms, you will be contacted to come and collect immediately and arrange a PCR test.

If your child displays any coronavirus symptoms at home, then you must inform school and arrange a PCR test.


Coronavirus symptoms include:

A high temperature
A new, continuous cough
A loss of change to your sense of smell or taste

Please read the following guidance regarding when to isolate.


I do encourage parents to take lateral flow tests. Staff in school will continue to take weekly tests.


School office 

We will still require you to ring school or make an appointment to speak to a member of staff. To keep everyone safe we are limiting visitors in school.

If you have any questions or can think of anything I have not mentioned then please email me.


We are really looking forward to welcoming you back next week.

Take care and enjoy the rest of your summer.


Miss Pope


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